Friday 25 January 2008

Time Flies...[I Wish It Crawled]

"It's sad when people you know become people you knew.
When you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life.
How you used to be able to talk for hours and now, you can barely even look at them.
It's sad how times can change."
After reading this, I now hate time.
Or at least change.
Either way, these two are strangely interconnected.
Bound together, one cannot happen without the other.
Change is the very essence of time moving on.
While it is time that causes all change.
I fail to understand why things like these happen. I try my hardest to ensure they don't, but they
I suppose some change is good. Sometimes, old things make way for new things. Worse, for the better.
I guess it depends. But sometimes, there are so many good things I never want to let go of. I'm sure you can think of things you never wanted to let go of.

That blanket you had as a 5 year old that kept you safe from every monster in the house.
That rose your, now husband, gave you in secondary school when you were childhood sweethearts.
The photograph you took with your first boyfriend/girlfriend down by the river.
That letter your best friend sent you after you moved out of town, but have since then grown apart.

So much time, so many changes.

And soon, my life will be one big whirlwind. I'll be caught up, along with the billions of people around the world. Without a clue of where we're heading. Some will be dropped off at one point or another. Some may even escape this tornado of confusion. But some will continue in this whirlwind for a very long time.

So good bye to all that I knew. My tornado ride will be coming soon. And from what I gather, I'm in for quite a ride.

Mishy <3

Wednesday 23 January 2008

I Has A Diary! *hugs*

I has a diary!
With lots and lots of pages, and a funky ass cover!


Oh man, my life is complete for this month...*sigh*
Actually, it's kind of a waste of money, considering the school gives us a diary anyway. XD But it doesn't matter, cuz I'm the sort of person who needs lots and lots of space to write everything down in. Seriously. The school diary has like half an A5 page per day. I usually take up an entire A5 page to write down all my homework and whatever else is going on in my life to get me sorted. My diary from Saints is proof enough. And besides which, if you saw the amount of detail I wrote my homework down with, even in Morley, you would be surprised. Considering.
But then again, this is the perfectionist in me, who needs to have every little thing in set order in order to even comprehend it's completion.

I go back to school in another week! I am actually excited, surprisingly enough. I know I keep moaning about this 2 month holiday of mine. Which is weird when you think about it, considering in KL I got the same thing as well! In Jo'burg, I lost my two month holiday. XD But then again, in KL, the holiday came during the MEGA-SALE [salivates- how I miss you], whereas here, I am stuck with nothing to do but melt in the sweltering 40 degree celcius weather and pray that it rains soon. *grumps*

Girls at Saints have started school, and it's so fun hearing about all the new teachers and classes and whatnot. To any Saints Girl reading this, I look forward to more detail. Especially that new science teacher that Lavani keeps telling me about, so that I can determine whether or not I should have stayed in South Africa and hopefully passed science. XD I've seen the photos of the jumpsuit. Looks good, and sometimes I really wish I HAD stayed when I see them. XD But I'm sure that I'll have fun with my own Year 12 Top when it arrives. =)

Year 12 guys, it's such a huge step. Also the final step in high school. =P Man, I'm so nervous. Especially when I think about it, all my friends at any school I entered into before South Africa will still be in school, finishing off their IBs or A Levels while I will be starting first year uni next January. It is an awkward thought indeed, and should not actually happen, but there it is. I'm also amazed at the number of people who want to come to Australia. Especially from GIS. People, you were all GROOMED for the UK, why are you coming here? But either way, I guess I shouldn't be questioning it. I'm glad to have more friends coming in to keep me company. =) You know I've missed you guys. And you know who you are too.


Mishy <3

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Blog Re-Vamp. [*bares new found teeth*]

Vampire-ish enough for you? XD

I've been meaning to write this up for a while now, and complete lost track of what I was doing and whatnot. XD

However, I AM back on track. =)

I've updated it a little to give it a more journalistic feel, just to feed my own journalistic appetite.

Plus I've changed it somewhat to reflect me and my travels a little more. I realise that my blog was probably tending a little towards the 'emo' side of life, and just tried to spark it up a little more. =) Probably due to my own TCK-ness, but I've cheered up a little since then, gotten older, (hopefully) more mature and a whole lot more. [Although I'm still going to go back to Malaysia one day and poison myself there so that no can can take me away and bury me somewhere else. XD] <---- sarcasm. I love it. =P

I've also made the font bigger. XD In case no one realised. I reckon it's too small, I can barely read it myself, I just keep forgetting to leave it the way it is.

Also, I've added this funky (well, I think it's funky) new playlist that I've literally addicted myself to. It's bad for my computer's health and my time management, but I love it anyways. =P I know it's not exactly to everyone's taste, and I'm sorry about that, but I like it just the way it is, so please don't slag me off and tell me I've got a horrible pop taste or something. =( Each to their own I say. I respect you, and you respect me. Although I HAVE actually listened to some people and tried adding harder music that I can still enjoy and won't get me kicked off blogger for being too hardcore. =)

So yeah, to the people who've been reading my blog all along, please leave comments! (I know there're still some of you out there who just don't bother posting comments- POST THEM PLEASE! Or just add something to my chatbox on the left side. =D)
Also, a big THANK YOU for sticking with me all this time, and hopefully this renovation of my blog will only serve to jazz things up, especially for your reading pleasure. =)

Mishy <3

Monday 21 January 2008

The Comic Watch

So far, nothing much has happened, but I reckon if I don't blog, someone is going to chase me and tell me that I've let my blog die. =)
I've been looking through the best comic I've ever come across: Madam and Eve. It portrays tongue in cheek scene of South Africa and all it's issues. (and mind you, there are loads!)
There's Madam, Eve, Mother Anderson, Thandi, the Mielie Lady and other international figures such as President Bush, Osama Bin Ladin and even Jacob Zuma and Thabo Mbeki show up. =)

This one is one I think everyone can relate to, whether they are in South Africa or not:

A scene from the South African political situation at the moment. Wow, South African politics is really like watching one big drama of Sopranos or something...

So ends my little ranting episode on Madam and Eve. It's really one of the most amazing comics I've come across. =P Both for it's wit, sarcasm and absolute humour in portraying real life topics. If only all comics could do this too...

Join me soon, on my next post, my long postponed post on my holiday to Cape Town and it's natural wonders. A must see for anyone planning to head that side for a holiday. =)

Mishy <3

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Selamat Hari Jadi!

Today, I've just turned into the ripe old age of 17. =)

Not that I'm all that excited, I passed most of the day by sitting on my arse and letting it get nice and warm. XD

In the words of the great House in the series House M.D.: "Man, I didn't think that the planet would make it round the sun this year, but...*sigh* if it just wasn't the 'Planet-That-Could'..."

Most people celebrate their birthdays to celebrate another year alive. I'm not too sure what I celebrate it for seeing as I don't really think about death all the time and think 'wow, this just could've been my last year'.
Apparently, people used to have large gatherings of friends and family during their birthdays because they believed that evil spirits of young children who did not get to live to see their first birthdays would come back and revenge their bad luck on these lucky souls. I reckon if that was the case, they'd be hunted down every minute of their life. XD But that's not for me to dispute after years of superstition.

Y'know, my resolutions from the New Year have changed so much as to receive a new type up altogether. =)
So they'll be let public here:

1. To get 75% and over in all my subjects this year for matric. [go figure me, I've already lowered my standards. XD]
2. To earn enough money to fly back to Malaysia via the cheapest airline I can find
3. To gain entrance into either UWA or ANU for university.

So yup, thus are my resolutions. =)

The lights dimmed slightly, giving the place a slightly eery shadow. Peering in the deep black abyss, she saw her life's work before her, rolling down like credits after a TV show. Final and ending each day. She opened her mouth, took a large breath to calm herself. She could do this. She raised her chin: Thank you for being on the Michelle Watch with us, I'm Michelle Wong, goodnight.


Mishy <3

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Airlines, Airfares, The Lot [aiyoh...headache already lah...]

As many of my mates will know, I went back to Malaysia last year for a week on a very impromptu visit due to my move to Perth, WA. =)
Of course, because of this, they also know that I will be unable to make it back to Malaysia till next Christmas. Also due to my Matric, this being my last year, I need to study and study hard to procure my entrance into university.
My mom, (being somewhat horrible, I believe, but oh well, I guess I should get used to it now) is also making me buy my own airfare back to Malaysia, and I have agreed to do so. I have to also ensure that I get back in time to ensure that everything is well and done for my university entrance and that there are no glitches in my First Year of University.
So, for the past hour (and for many more days besides) I have been looking for the cheapest flight.
The cheapest flight, I have thus ascertained, would be via Air Asia. The return ticket comes up to about A$250, which is bloody cheap, to me. =) My only problem? The stupid Air Asia flight only lands at the Gold Coast in Brisbane. (Grrrrrrr) I checked out (most) available domestic floghts. And guess what?
The domestic flight ended up being almopst A$300 and MORE. For one bloody domestic flight to Brisbane! Honestly, why is the domestic flight more expensive than the international one is my question???
So then I checked out Malaysia Airlines. It's a direct flight, but the ticket tops up to about A$800. It seems alright, but compared to the A$600 I'd have to pay for Air Asia and the domestic flight, it's still a pretty high price. Of course, there's no actual gaurantee that I will end up getting a A$300 flight to Brisbane, I may end up with a A$400 one, but still, that's possibly the lowest I can get, even though I incredibly DISLIKE the idea of the domestic flight being more expensive than the international one.
So then I checked out Qantas Airways, which is an international flight, and I hoped that it would get me there directly.
Wrong move.
I checked it out with great interest and found, to my intense horror, than this stupid well known international flight only landed at Sydney. AGAIN! I would have to end up making another domestic flight to Perth in order to get back. (Maybe I should just stay in Sydney, is this a sign to me?)
So yeah, either way, NOT happy.
I would gladly try using Singapore Airlines, but I soon found that Singapore Airlines was even MORE expensive than Malaysian Airlines, and soon gave up the idea. Singapore has a really cool airline and all, but nah, the price isn't worth it till I become a multi millionare, selling my book containing advice on international airlines and their services and airfares all over the world to great travellers like myself. XD

Ah, the woes of a traveller! XD

Mishy <3

Sunday 13 January 2008

What To Do, What To Do...

Indeed, the title reflects my confusion already. =S
University is but just a year away.
And while I have finally given up all hopes of entering into the likes of prestigious names such as Cambridge, Oxford or even Harvard, I still have not let go of all the courses that I want to do.

My sights have been set on Australian National University and University of Western Australia, seeing as they seem to have some of the best Arts and Humanities programmes in Australia.
And the courses I want to do are: Archaeology, Psychology and Mass Communications.
This, indeed, is a problem.
Mass Communications would lead me, most probably directly to journalism, which is what I want to do for a while anyway. Of course, I highly doubt that anyone would kick me out of the journalism position for not having a Mass Communications degree under my belt.
Psychology and Archaology are two very difficult, and probably pretty weird degrees to take, the latter being the weirdest. Of course, this could be easily solved by me doing a double Arts/Science degree, but it's really hard, and I'm not even sure if I want to do Psychology. I just picked it because it looked good and I thought I could do it. Unfortunately, I'm now second guessing myself, which is probably the worst thing I can do at this point in time. I already second guess myself at everything, to second guess myself here is probably not out of the ordinary, but it's going to make my life living hell for the next few weeks.
Archaeology is something I've wanted to do for a long time, even as a kid I told myself that I wanted to dig up old relics and study them and find out what they were used for, what they were made out of, the works. It was, (and still is) a fanatical ambition of mine and it probably won't stop until I go on at least one dig, knowing me.
Journalism by far seems to be the better career to jump into. (despite the lack of regular hours!)

Anyhow, the Michelle Watch signs out!

Mishy <3

Thursday 10 January 2008

Mr. Lyon [ROFLMAO]

Mr. Lyon, you are one elusive person...=P Or animal. XD
This is one of the reasons I LOVE going to work.

Suzy is a Tanzanian who works with me during weekdays when I DO go to work. She's such a sweetie, and she's our resident TLC African. =)

So at our work place, we have two counters. One is the cigarette/post office counter, and one is the general/lottery counter, where I work! Suzy works with me, and so does Denise, usually they stay with me because on the other counter, Dion and Muna seem to be doing pretty well by themselves. =)

Anyway, we all know that Suzy is Tanzanian and that it's in Africa. Common knowledge. =)
So then Muna handed her a piece of paper with a number on it that said 'Mr. Lyon' and told Suzy that it was urgent and that she needed to call him because he was looking for her.
Suzy then insisted that she didn't know anyone by the name of 'Mr. Lyon', but Muna still insisted that she call him.

So Suzy did.

The result, was hilarious.

Suzy called the number, and it rang and rang and rang, and she looked across at the post office, and Muna and Dion were falling over themselves laughing. (Dion was practically rolling on the floor) and then Suzy started suspecting something funny going on. But not before the voice operator on the other end went:
"Thank you for calling Perth Zoo, if you'd like to make a donation, press 1..."
Upon which Suzy hung up and glared at the other side saying : The lYoness is coming for you now!

Denise and I promptly fell over laughing at her and Dion disappeared on the floor for 10 minutes. Muna was shaking so hard, I was amazed that she could still serve the customer, who was looking at her in utter amazement.
I don't think I've ever had such a good laugh at work before. =) I love my weekday colleagues.
Then this candy guy came around (and this guy sells candy in bulk to stores,) and Denise took a look at the stuff, and decided to order 'Jungle Jellies'. We had another good crack at that one, LOL.

After I left work today, I went to Coles to buy some groceries, and then I came across some 'Lion Snacks'.
I swear, my day has been Lion filled indeed, I can hardly stop laughing everytime I see any references to the word 'Lion' now.
Mr. Lyon

Suzy! (obviously with Muna in her mouth due after that phone call...XD)

More soon, all my lovely peoples. =)

Mishy <3

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Hair. [No, not Hairspray, Hair]

I have decided to get my hair cut sometime next week! The only question is, what style? =) Should I just trim it or should I get an uber new funky look? (Ray, I do not mean shave it into a mohawk and dye it a billion different colours so that the Rainbow would be jealous). I am incredibly indecisive, as many will know, and I need plenty of help before I even decide on something. =) So I will show you all what I have found and what I have narrowed it down to.

Image 1 Image 2

Help me make up my mind! Of course, I'm not going to dye my hair at all, I love my hair colour too much to even think about it. XD But yeah, the style is important. =) Especially since it's summer now, and I want it to look good even when it's short. =)
Oooh, vanity is dangerous indeed.

Plus, (and I'm sure whoever reads this blog, already knows what's coming up now) I want to have long-ish hair for the Year 12 Ball. =) My research is amazing, I've even found me the perfect hairstyle(s). =P *Cue indecisiveness*

Image 1

Image 2

Voila people!
Both very similar hairstyles, but please tell me which one you think looks best. =)
Also, please tell me whether or not you think that my hair, should it be cut as short as the hairstyles above, will grow back that fast? Cuz, I really want to have the long hair without the extentions and I'm afraid that I'll never get it to be that long by the time May hits us.
So yeah, opinions please people! This is very much a post on opinions. =) I want to see plenty of comments! I also don't mind any comments on 'why bother cutting it', although I probably won't pay attention to those ones, mind you. XD
(okay Ray, NOW you can recommend me shaving my hair into a mohawk and dying it a billion different colours that would make the Rainbow jealous. =P)

Mishy <3

Sunday 6 January 2008

Last Month of Holidays [Sigh, and so it begins]

I keep going on and on and on about the month of January.

It is easily refered to as the month of change, good wishes and of all things new.
Unfortunately, it is also the month of beginnings.
And I will HAVEto begin.

My studying I mean. =S Lord above, come save me now... -_-"

I cannot imagine, I am already suffering having to even TRY and study. I just don't want to pick up the book. Plus there's no provacy, even at the damned library, soI never want to study. The most I want to do is pick up a book and read...*sigh* A book...bliss...

I will also have to start sorting out the way I am going to do my work this year for Year 12.
Shall I buy lots and lots of notepads and file it all each day? Or should I buy a billion books and keep filling them up?
Of course, with the books, I save myself the filing.
But with the files, I at least force myself to look at the work every day and re-organise them, therefore making myself more conscious of the work ahead of me. And save on lots of glue of course. XD
Oh man, I can't believe I'm making all this fuss for three terms of work out of four. -_-
Of course, I'm not really that concerned about the cost unless the files end up being A$10 each, but at this 'Back to School' period, I highly doubt anyone wants to set their standards so high. At the moment, I've managed to corner the cheapest one at 89cents. Or 90cents seeing as there's no 1cent coin in Australia...XD The cheats, they is. They make it seem so cheap, before you finally realise that they will have to round up the price because there is no 1cent coin...
Anyone have any suggestions? I have to run out and buy them sometime next week or the week after. *sigh* The trials and tribulations of school. Makes me wonder why I even bother going.

Plus I still have some other missing textbooks which I need to go in search of before school starts. Oh, woe is me. I am forever stuck in the grasp of the evil abomnination, yet amazing blessing that is school.

Mishy <3

Thursday 3 January 2008

A New Month of the New Year [and so the birthdays begin...]

January has come and a New Year begins. =)

January happens to be the month in which Anzac Day occurs, a tribute to the Australian soldiers who fought against the Japanese soldiers and endured months of toture before finally being part of the luck few to make it back to Australia. Anzac Day occurs on January the 26th, and hopefully I will not be prevailed upon to celebrate it. =)

January also welcomes the Three Kings Day. This day is celebrated on the 6th of January, the last day of Christmas and is supposed to be the day that the Three Wise Men came to visit Jesus after his birth. This is the first time I have ever heard of such a celebration, and so I am quite interested in it's customs. =D Little children apparently leave their shoes at the door filled with hay to attract the camels that the Wise Men rode on and the next morning, it would be filled with toys and gifts. This also seems to have been where the traditions of Christmas presents first started.

January also pays tribute to several birthdays this month:
3rd- Yan Ruizhe
6th- Audrey Chew
13th- Robin Harper
16th- Me!
20th- Lubumba Kamukwamba and Patrick Quah
28th- Elaine Nevis, Gregory Yap and Dan Mosanu

So Happy Birthday to us all, may we be turning 17 or 18, and here's to a whole year or successes, dreams and amazing memories. =) And also finally being legal for some of us. XD

Mishy <3

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Happy New Year! [Resolutions start...NOW!]

Happy New Year!

Today, I've decided to make my resolutions. Though, as I usually know, year after year, I will fail to keep them and the next year, I will be so overcome with remorse to make some good ones I can actually keep and fail to keep them again. XD I usually don't bother with resolutions since if I want to do something, I know I'll do it, I don't need to 'make a resolution' in order to force me into doing anything.

Resolution 1: To get straight 80%s and above this year for my Matric, including Chemistry.
This will hopefully not be as hard as I am currently going to make it out to be as I do have a good head, I can study well, and learn quickly. Although if Applicable Maths is as hard as it sounds, then I'll just drop down to Discreete Maths and that will be the end of the matter! Because I'm quite certain that I can achieve my 80% in Discrete Maths if I study hard enough. =)
Resolution 2: To earn enough money for a return ticket to KL via MAS.
Geez, this can't be that hard, I think I already have enough cash. =) Of course, I can't blow it all on one flight, so I've got to do the smart thing, and earn some more first. =P
Resolution 3: Convince my mom that I will be going to either ANU or UoM after school.
Definitely not anywhere in Perth. Also that I can fully take care of myself there (Elaine, come quickly!), since if I continue to stay here, I honestly believe I will go crazy. I don't even have a decent mall I can get to here during the weekends, plus NOTHING is open on Sunday! I feel like I'm in a convent!

Anyhow, those are my top 3 resolutions. =) I suppose I will most probably keep adding more as the days progress, set my standards lower, create some new goals and collectively force myself to stick to these ones, but till that happenbs, I will say adieu, Happy New Year and goodnight. (my time. duh. XD)

Mishy <3