Thursday 30 April 2009

Zimbabwe Cartoons

After having gone through some of the Madam and Eve cartoons a few days before, my severe interest in South African politics came right back. And I found some really great ones on Zimbabwe which I can't help but laugh about. Especially the one on Robert Mugabe. I don't like Robert Mugabe. But making fun of him through these comics is just wayyy too entertaining!
Have a read and laugh. I hope they entertain you as much as they have entertained me. :) I really do miss South African comics and comedians. (Leon Schuster!)

Mishy <3

Tuesday 28 April 2009


I can use it!

I got told by the Multicultural Week group that I had to get photoshop and learn to use it. Sharp sharp. And while I am computer literate, I am no Bill Gates. Which ultimately meant this would be a challenge times 2 to learn how to use it.
But then I found out I would need to learn how to use photoshop for my Communications degree anyway, so it made sense for me to get a head start now.

And okay, so I encountered some problems. But eventually, I got there! Not to mention, I've been fiddling around with like a bunch of tools while I had time.

And yeah, call me crazy, but I'm pretty impressed with what I've done so far. :)

So here's some of the pictures I ended up playing around with for the MCW Society's Proposal.

Mishy <3

Monday 27 April 2009

South African Elections 2oo9

So South Africa had their elections on Wednesday, the 22nd of April.

It sounds pretty random, but it had some special significance for me since many of m
y own friends voted in that election. Hoping for change. Thinking they could make a difference.

Another reason why it held such significance for me is the fact that Jacob Zuma would be running for president under the ANC party. guessed right. I don't like Jacob Zu
ma. In fact, I detest the man.

It's a very long story. But living there for two years has given me en
ough reason to dislike the man forever more, and to be severely horrified at the thought that this man could be running the one country I've been able to call home.

As far as I can tell, the election results aren't out yet. I am however almost certain that Jacob Zuma will win this election. How much by is a different matter. Since the ANC would need two thirds of the vote in order to change the constitution. I do not want Jacob Zuma to achieve that two thirds. I don't even want him to achieve half the vote! But I guess South Africa must speak for itself.

Zuma won the elections.


As I probably should have known would happen.
But on the plus side - he didn't win the two thirds majority. And I sincerely hope this spells out future trouble for the ANC.
Or at least warns the ANC to buck up and spend tax payers money on helping the poor. Unlike past attempts to change the names of the roads and the airport. I mean, what was wrong with Johannesburg International Airport? Why O.R. Tambo Airport? And nobody calls Pretoria, 'Tshwane', it's still Pretoria to us!

Funnily enough, when I read the news report in The Star (Malaysian version) people were arguing about which one of his two wives would end up being known as the First Lady.
Could we get anymore ridiculous??
Mishy <3

Wednesday 22 April 2009


It's gone. Every bit of it. Almost anyway.

Which is why I more or less went on an impromptu hiatus.

I can't think of anything to write.

If you look through my blog archives, there's quite a few posts which I have yet to post. But I can't. Purely because they don't look ready for publication. I start them off. But the first line looks wrong. Or I could add something in the 5th line, but what was it again??

I can't believe I'm wracking my brains on what to write on my blog. It simply never happens!

I need a muse. Or a new theme. Or something that will get the rusty old cogs in this brain of mine ticking away.

It's funny how I thought a change of location would help the cogs to unwind. But I guess the change of location became too familiar to be called 'inspiration' anymore.
And what of a new educational institute? All it's done is made my posts boring, repetitive and mundane.
Write about my friends? But I can't keep writing about them. They know I appreciate them already.
Or what of current events? Global recessions and war and terror?

I recently read the blog of a lady who lived in Perth (of all places...) and somehow, she made her life sound so...adventurous? I guess it doesn't help that she's got her own income and can jetset to Singapore whenever. But still.

I need inspiration. A muse. Something that can get my imagination worked up all over again. The way I see it, all the change has done is to make me dull and mundane. Something which shouldn't be happening.

Oh how the mind boggles!

Mishy <3

Sunday 12 April 2009

A Long Absence

Apologies are in order for my almost inexcusible absence.

As we all know, university was going great until we [meaning I] realised that assignments had to be handed in and done and dusted and that there wouldn't be much leisurely time until I handed it all in.

So this week alone, I did an Asian Studies presentation, finished an English essay and immediately after, ran to the lecture room to do a Maths test. I was almost late, but I think I did pretty well! But I'll leave my comments on this test till AFTER I get my marks...

I'm currently on 'study leave' which means I should be studying...but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon. Since I somehow managed to extend my break a bit longer than I'd like, since it's causing me no end of trouble *shifty eyes*. But hopefully I'll get through it.

It was the 10th of April when I started typing this post up. On Ntombi's birthday! So happy birthday love, should you ever deign to read this.

Meanwhile - it's Easter! Finally headed to church after weeks and months. -_-" God is most likely looking at me and wondering how I turned out to be such a heretic. But I know He's there for me, so I try my best.
Riverview Church is where I went, and I actually like the church. I thought it was going to be another caucasian monopolised gathering, but it turned out to have a very even mix of many nationalities. Which is all good and great, except that we have to drive 20 minutes to get there, but pfffft, who cares! I like it! Hopefully this means we've finally found a church.

Mishy <3

Saturday 4 April 2009

Behind the Wheel

So. I sat behind the wheel of the car for the first time in years.

And this time, I didn’t just sit there dangling my legs, pretending I was a Formula One Racer.
I didn’t sit there thinking I was James Bond and would flip the car over the edge of a cliff and somehow miraculously survive.
And I certainly wasn’t there trying to rev up the car for my dad like I used to do.

Nope. It was more serious than that.

Trembling, staring dead ahead whilst desperately trying to watch my rear-view mirror, I sat there, ready for my first driving lesson.


So dad was trying to teach me how to configure my mirrors, reach the pedals, which gears I had to push and pull, etc.

That was easy.

Then he told me to drive.

I wasn’t even sure if the car would follow my lead. But surprisingly enough, it did. After the initial false starts and near misses of the curb.

Mind you, I was doing all this in an abandoned car park. And I was already afraid.

I hope my driving improves significantly and that I will not be banging into things out of sheer fear. [rhyming bonanza...]

Mishy <3