Tuesday 1 September 2009

Back Again

So I've been ridiculously lazy about updating this.

But with good reason! I went over to the dark side of life to be tormented by the most dreaded subject known to mankind....accounting!!

It still torments me, but well...it can spare me for a mere 5 minutes. :) I hope.

So many things have happened. So many things have crossed my mind and I have yet to find the time to write them all down.

Blogging happens to be one of my topics of study in communications, and as of the moment, I'm using this hiatus to im,prove my ideas, my writing style, even my blog format! And here's to hoping that I will eventually improve this as soon as I can.

In the mean time, I do actually apologise for not updating. But as there will be a holiday (mid-sems!) next week, I hope I'll be able to post up a lot more.

The first of September, and so they say - it is the first day of spring. Although I have yet to actually see the weather look ANYTHING ike spring. But I guess this kind of change takes time.

But for now - adieu dear readers. Accounting is pulling me back into it's deep, black abyss...
