Thursday 31 July 2008

I Rule...

Well, as the Shadow Deputy Prime Minister at any rate. :P Well, okay fine, so I DON'T exactly rule anything. But I WOULD have...if my party was popular enough...

I make no sense whatsoever do I?

I have a history excursion tomorrow [at Curtin University once again, woohoo- do I really need to go for the Open Day anymore?], and I am officially playing the part of Sir Eric Harrison, Shadow Deputy Prime Minister of the Liberal Party.
I also have an ass load to say, and loads of thinking on my feet. As I am roleplaying a parliamentary debate.

I just hope I get the full three marks I deserve for my oral after putting in this much work...

Anyway, more news on that tomorrow when I finally do make it to Curtin University for my history excursion.

Oh the joys of life.

I still love history despite what it puts me through...<3

Mishy <3

Saturday 26 July 2008

The Different Cities

Me and my tute friends [not that many mind you, lol] were discussing Australia and it's history, and it pretty much went something like this:

Stella: You know when I was in Canberra, all the car plates said "Australia's Capital City" at the bottom.
Cynthia: And in Sydney, they'll all go "Australia's FIRST Capital City". XD
Cynthia: And then in Melbourne it'll go "SHOULD-Have-Been Australia's First Capital City"
Me: And Perth, not wanting to be left out, will say: "Australia's Capitally Dull City".

In case you were wondering, in tute, yes we are normally bored, and no, this is not the most outrageous topic that we've ever discussed. :P
Also, no, we haven't thought of one for Queensland, Adelaide, Darwin and Tasmania.

I shouldn't be surprised we discussed this though. Our tute room is the history classroom and there's this massive board on the wall with all sorts of pictures of Australia's history.

Mishy <3

Friday 25 July 2008

From the Heavens?

You know the story in the Christian Bible?
Well, maybe not all of you will.

There's a story about Moses the prophet who takes the Israelites out of Egypt where they were kept for decades long slavery, and finally after a torrent of miracles, signs, deaths, trials and tribulations, Moses finally parts and crosses the Red Sea with them, and heads towards Canaan.
After that, while they had to cross the desert to get there, they found that alas! alack! they had no food. [no wonder, seeing as you've been fleeing from outrageously evil Egyptian armies and now you've got to cross this massive desert] And the story goes that Moses prayed for food, and God - who kept watch over their journey - rained manna [a type of flat bread] down from the heavens every morning where the people would have to pick them up and use it as food for the day.

And you know what...something similar happened to me.
Only in my case, it wasn't manna, it was EARTHWORMS!!!

It began after a really heavy shower had just cursed us [or blessed, if you're a farmer] at night, and it was thunderstorming, and raining, and let me tell you the Mother Nature is not nice to Perth when it comes to the weather.
Anyway, the next morning, I'd just gotten out the door for school and was waiting just outside the inner garage door, which was open, for my mum to come and open up the car for us. My brother had left his bag on the ground, upon which I espied a little struggling earthworm on the floor. And, well, to be a little sarcastic, I asked my brother why there were worms crawling out of his bag.

And this is where it gets traumatic.

No sooner than he had taken his bag away [hurridly mind you], one plopped down right next to the first one from the skies!
My eyes looked like this ---> O.O
Needless to say, I looked up, and couldn't for the life of me figure out where the worm had come from. And, like any sane person would, I refused to go near the door until mum actually came along to get into the car.
When my mum finally did come, I had some problems. The orientation of the garage is such that I can't get around the car to get into the passenger front seat because it was blocked off, so I had to open the outer garage door in order to get in.

So I opened it.

And THEN the worms came crashing down onto the floor from the door!
One, two, four, six, nine...I went ABSOLUTELY NUTS and refused to have to stay near the door for too long. I took one HUGE leap outside and told my mom to come out before I got into the car.

When I told my cousin the story, he told me that the worms were looking for shelter from the rain because too much water in the soil could drown them.
Needless to say, I was not pleased.

I am actually Christian, therefore I can probably safely say that the worms were not a present from Him to help me out of any sort of plight. XD Unless I was black South African. Mmmmm, mopane worms...

A short explanation of the mopane worms. Mopane worms are...well, rather big fat caterpillar like things that are a delicacy in South Africa. A few of my friends have eaten them, but I have never actually seen it in real life in Africa before. Therefore I googled a shot of it for you. XD It looks...scintillanting.

The Mopane tree where they breed these worms.

A plate of cooked Mopane worms...

Mishy <3

Thursday 24 July 2008

Time Marches On...

It just kind of hit home a few hours ago that I had just about 13.5 weeks left before the exams.
And the teachers have given us all motivational talks on how to prepare.

I missed the worst with my Chem teacher for now, because he's been off somewhere [possibly America]. Although it hasn't been quite so sane with the other teachers.
My human biology teacher has started to shape up. The Asian group now sitting behind me has begun to shut up for 60% of the lesson. I think we may have just witnessed a miracle in Human Biology.
My P&L teacher decided to spend two entire leassons teaching us how to study. =/ Instead of P&L. I have absolute reason to be worried at this stage.
My history teacher may be the only one who doesn't give a damn if the school gets uprooted by floods, or if Western Australia suddenly discovers that a volcano was hidden under the Perth CBD by all the buildings. With him, the show MUST go on!
Mirichlis in Maths was in a pretty good mood today. I'll have to watch out very closely for him tomorrow. I shudder to think what he may have up his sleeve if he's in this good a mood straight after Open Day Reporting. Or, maybe he just likes our parents better than he does us.
Lit went on as normal. Lots of procrastination, endless talking, debates with McInerny...

He's also badgered us to take a look at our scaled average on the TER calculator which is on the TISC website.

If I do no scaling whatsoever, I figure that I will get 91.65. Which is tres brilliant in my case! But with scaling, I figure that I actually only get 88.95 or something similar to that. Which is not so bad, I am still in the safe zone since my TER only needs to be 81. But in case the cut-off grade for Bachelor of Arts [Communication] decides to annoyingly move itself up, I want to be ready and waiting for it. And...I guess an 88.95 may not be so good after all. =/

Other news regarding the school: I am now firmly convinced that I am surrounded by thieves and possible criminals.
During the holiday, someone brought a torch bomb to school, broke the window of the office and stole 45 Leavers Tops. It's fine for me because I already have mine, but I have friends who unfortunately haven't gotten theirs yet. This is the crappiest thing EVER. I canNOT believe that people would actually just sneak in and steal tops like these, especially since they have no value whatsoever. They have names on them, and there is a track record of who has actually bought these tops. Plus my mates who haven't gotten theirs are completely bummed out. And I have great apathy for whoever's taken them at the moment. Apparently they couldn't stop there either. They broke into the history classroom [my tute room] and stole the new overhead projector as well as this crappy computer that actually squeals at pitches so high my history teacher can't hear it. =/ But the point is that the school had a theft. And I am somewhat upset that this could happen. It's a police matter, but hey, who said that the case would ever be solved?

Heh. And I thought South Africa was dangerous?

Mishy <3

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Ice-Cream and Donuts?

I decided to go blog-browsing around and about [oddly enough] and I have actually stumbled on some very surprising blogs that I will definitely consider coming back to visit.
So far, this one is by a girl from Hawaii living in Italy, and this post of hers took me a little by surprise. It's worth a read...and I am definitely going to try this recipe out!

It's basically ice-cream with doughnut toppings on it...*yum*
It's got loads of other recipes that she's also blogged about, and at the moment, they all look absolutely scrumptious.

Jamie Oliver would kill me if he knew what was going on in my mind...XD

Mishy <3

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Jamie Oliver

He has scared me half to death.

I was watching his programme: Eat to Save Your Life where he basically takes a whole bunch of Brits [18 of them me thinks?] and documents their eating habits over a week or so.

Not that freaky, you'd think right?

But then it goes on. And, in the words of Hamish from the 'Hamish and Andy Show': I've basically been scared into not eating anything, unless it's a stick of celery or a walnut.

Jamie Oliver has documented their eating habits, put them under an MRI, taken their BMIs, figured out how much and what kind of gas they're breathing out, finding out their life spans, etc etc. The list actually does go on.
And there's something else about that show as well which sort of freaks me out. I am not entirely sure if it's been documented in other countries like South Africa or Malaysia yet, but if it does come out, I hope none of you will kill me for this.
He's got this German Anatomist, Gunther von Hagens, who disects people who've donated their bodies to science, and shows us how much fat was in this person. And it's not just one body, it's several. There's two people where he's taken a 2 inch slice out of down the middle, one fat and one skinny person, and encased in some kind of transparent foam thing. And then he goes on to disect this massive guy at the end of the show, and it's an actual dead body. I am feeling slightly squeamish at it.
There's even one point in the show where he gets this guy to collect his turds for a week, and then shows him this great big massive pile of 'five year's worth' of a Ugandan man's turds. [it's all just soil really] And then compares it with a rather insignificant pile of the poor victim's 'five years worth of poop'. [soil with a bit of the poor guy's poop on it] It was literally a tenth of the Ugandan poop.

So it makes sense how Jamie Oliver has basically scared me into not eating?

It makes good sense, though, what he says.
Although I am now perpetually on tenterhooks wondering what I would look like if I got sliced into a 2 inch slab before I start eating anything.
This is pretty stressful, considering my favourite hobby is to eat. Coming from Malaysia probably doesn't help either. And considering I've suddenly been exposed to such luscious German and Portugese goodies whilst living in Johannesburg, I dread to think of the state of my 2 inch slab.
I sound really emo. =/

Actually, forget Jamie Oliver, I think it's Gunther von Hagen that's scared me, not Jamie. XD

But it IS a good programme, so if it comes out in your country: watch it, and you probably won't regret it either. =)

Mishy <3

Monday 21 July 2008

The Last Holiday for 2008...

You know, this holiday has of a kind.

It's the last day of the holidays, and WOW have I been busy.

I've gone shopping and finally seen what the Galleria has to offer. [a lot more than I previously thought was possible I must say!]
I've been hanging out with my Aussie mates and getting to know them all better. [not that much though]
I've kept in touch with my Malaysian mates more than I have been doing this whole year. [and for that, I'm so sorry darlings!]
I haven't quite been keeping in touch with my South African mates, but since they have exams, I can hardly force them to come online to talk to me at funny hours of the day. :P [Pre-lims are hard yo.]
I've done more homework and study in the first two days of holidays than I would normally get done in a week.
It's also been raining cats and dogs for the last week, as well as hailing cats and dogs. I may just have found the place that Mother Nature hates most. =/ [I am soooo missing Johannesburg right now]

Hmmmm, it's been a good holiday though!
I went out on Friday with a few of my mates and we went out for Dim Sum. Dim Sum. [or Dim Sim as they like to call it here, and Yum Chow in the Eastern States? What weirdos. -_-"] And it's going to be a looong time before we ever have that kind of thing again. Even that kind of relaxation and freedom.
This will be the last holiday for the year, and I'm pretty upset that it's come to an end already.
Next holidays [third term ones] I'll be doing exams, and then I have approximately 1.5months before my finals [TEE, arghhhhh!!!] arrive.

Well, this is, in part- a 'tell-all' post [of the holidays] and a goodbye post.
Goodbye and adieu for the rest of the year to all who know me, because I certainly won't [and well, shouldn't] have time to come online and talk to you all as often as I like. But it'll only be for a few months, and I swear I will come back again in December. [especially to my Malaysian peeps, you may be seeing me a bit more than you actually like, LOL]
My next holiday [in September] has been taken up by mock exams [which are gay]

Fingers crossed that all this work is actually worth it. This holiday was most definitely not long enough, but I am hoping that the one at the end will make up for it [dammit, why does Batman have to come up now, couldn't it wait till the end of the year???]

I hate the last year of school.

Mishy <3

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Facebook- Do I Spend My Life On It?

And yes, I know I use it way too much.

I just thought about the amount of time I actually spend on Facebook. I spent a good 8.5 hours at work yesterday [how horrendous] and when I got back, I did nothing EXCEPT go onto Facebook. And well check my email, and my blog [hallur!] and about a gazillion other things that I normally check. Go the internet. :P

And truthfully, I did actually ask myself: What is this for?

Initially, I joined Facebook because most of my friends were joining Facebook. Facebook, the 'old people Myspace'. Admittedly, I joined Myspace too. But I couldn't take it, so I left. Facebook is much better. Call me a geriatric if you must, but I am a firm believer in and disciple of Facebook. :D My mates in Malaysia, South Africa and the Philippines all use Facebook, with a few owning both accounts as many of us believe that Myspace is old and useless and not as much fun as Facebook. In Australia, only a handful own Facebook, and are the ones who've coined the term 'old people Myspace'. So if the rest of the world have decided that Facebook is ultimately the best, who're the old people now?? XD [and let's just forget about the USA, cuz the battle between Facebook and Myspace is pretty even there]

But really, why do I spend so much time on Facebook? I have a friend, *Thingus, who refuses to get Facebook. In one of the rare chat sessions I had with him, when I asked him why he wasn't getting Facebook, he replied that it was futile, and a waste of time because he didn't want to 'follow the trend'. When I pointed out that he wasn't actually able to keep in touch with the rest of us due to annoying time zones and his apparent laziness in replying emails [especially the extra long ones I sent to him] he merely seemed to shrug it off.

Facebook to a way of keeping in touch with friends. I know the world calls it 'Facebook stalking' but in my little universe, this isn't quite 'stalking', but a way of finding out where everyone is and how everyone is doing.
I agree that it becomes stalking when you spend every waking moment with the person, call them every afternoon, meet them every weekend for parties, and then on top of that STILL stalk them online every weekday night. I mean honestly, there's only so much a person can take of you, lol.
It's the only way for me to keep in touch and find out if anybody is moving anywhere. [in my case, at least a tenth of my Facebook contacts encounter a move on an avergae of every five years] It's a way of finding out how everybody is due to the ass that is time difference. It's the only way for me to actually believe that I am still a part of a person's life when they include me in their little Facebook lives.

Desperate as it sounds, this really is the way to go.

Still, I don't exactly condone life dependence on Facebook. There's so much more to life than Facebook really, and I'm sure most of us do know this. It's just like watching something on TV, or reading something in a magazine and thinking 'wow, that's nice'. But it's not exactly the same thing is it? The difference between reading about it and actually experiencing it is just that great.
Imagine you, on your deathbed [oh, how morbid]. What will you look back on and say? If you've spent your whole life in Facebook...there's nothing is there?

'Rats, I wish I'd added that Hatching Eggs app'...
'Rats, I should've gone sky diving, not bungee jumping...'

Note the difference?

So yes, I reckon I do spend quite a bit of time on it...but hopefully it will never increase to take over my entire life... =)

^.^" No, I will not be like this either. Hopefully.

Mishy <3

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Graduation [Dress?]

I know I sound like a complete lala and bimbo, but I swear I NEED a dress for Graduation Night!!!11one!11!1!

And I've been looking high and low for one. I know my criteria. It has to be short [not mini skirt style, but short enough so that it cannot be placed into the category of a ball dress] and at the moment, I've had no luck in even finding one.
I might be able to find one on Friday, goodness knows. I'm looking high and low in as many sops as I can possibly find.
It's ridiculous though, because there is literally [for six TEE student me- idiot, idiot, idiot] no time to find a dress. If Graduation is before TEE exams, I will [or should be] too busy studying. If Graduation is AFTER TEE exams, I will be hard pressed to find a dress before Graduation [as far as I can tell, it will be literally within a week of the TEE exams, therefore I won't have that much time]. GRRRR.

BUT! I have made slight progress!! :P

I think I may have found the dress I actually want...

Casual enough to not classify as a ball dress.
Formal enough to look as if this function is important.
Long enough for me to walk around comfortably. [yes, I still retain my Malaysian modesty]
Blue enough for me to match all my accessories that I have borrowed and collected over the years. XD
And did I mention that it was a HALTER-NECK too??

Now, to find a place that actually sells this...

Mishy <3

Monday 14 July 2008

Kevin Rudd's Meeting with Abdullah Badawi

This is actually pretty surreal. For me at any rate. I had no idea that Kevin Rudd was going to be in Malaysia, even if it was for a one day visit, but wow. It happened.
And I was there to catch it on the news.
Before I continue my analysis on the report that I saw- let me just say that reading all the reports of K. Rudd's visit to Malaysia has opened my eyes to...let's say a pretty different world.
And I'm gonna have to say this: For goodness's sake, even AUSTRALIA thinks we're messed up.

I know there are a lot of blogs that criticise the state that the Malaysian government is in, and you know, it happens in EVERY country. Every country [except Communist and Fascist ones] is going to be unsatisfied with some part of their government throughout the government's entire existance. But when Australia actually starts taking a break from its criticsm of its own government and starts concentrating on Malaysia, you KNOW it's bad.
Also, I had no idea that there were any tensions between the Malaysian and Australian government. Huh. Well, this is where reading the news actually gets you then.

But basically, the gist of it is that Kevin Rudd has said that Malaysia's 'democracy is flourishing', but he seemed to avoid the issue of discussing 'human rights' in Malaysia.
Trust me, I was a little confused at that one.
But I continued to read the many articles that I found when I googled it, and ALL of them had the same thing. Malaysia's democracy is great, but will not discuss human rights issues.

Should I be worried?

If anyone is left in any doubt, these are the links that I went to check out.,25197,24001908-5013871,00.html

There were more, I can't seem to find them at this point in time. =/ A little upsetting at that.
And as far as I can tell, it is Anwar Ibrahim, the Opposition Leader of the DAP who seems to be the root of all this. Not because he's tried to do anything funny to K. Rudd, but because of the sodomy charges that he was accused of ten years ago, and that John Howard somehow got caught up in. [Apparently Mahathir Mohammad told Howard not to come to Malaysia because of the sodomy charges?] And Anwar Ibrahim apparently wanted to 'discuss his plight' with Kevin rudd, but Kevin Rudd would then be in the centre of political controversy and upset PM Badawi and his UMNO cronies, and therefore had to avoid meeting him.

Rest assured, Kevin Rudd has not met with Anwar Ibrahim. Although I am beginning to find these petty tensions rather annoying. If Malaysia is the democracy that Kevin Rudd perceives it to be, then we should not be having any troubles and 'oohs-and-aahs' with his meeting any Opposition leaders, whether there be ten or one, or whether they all have rape and sodomy charges or are as pure as the driven snow. I mean hey, he met up with Deputy PM Najib, who is supposed to be on trial for an affair with some Mongolian beauty queen. Contrasting ideals?

Another issue I decided to pick upon was found in the news report.
At the moment, I cannot actually find the report that I saw on TV, but look at this photo:

Look closely and tell me...what do you think is missing in the photo?
Just think about the make-up of the Malaysian society [especially if you're in Malaysia]. It's not too hard.

I can see Malays. I can see Indians.
I can even see one lonesome white guy at the back [no doubt K. Rudd's bodyguard]
But the Chinese?
If you ask me, I think we're being butted out on purpose.
Whenever something gets shown on TV or in a photo like this one, there's usually a lot more planning that goes into it than most people would imagine. Especially when you're broadcasting something to the world. What gets depicted is what the minds behind it want you to see. I sound incredibly cynical, but I study all this enough to know what happens in the planning stages of the videos and pictures that I see.

But on to slightly more light-hearted topics, I canNOT stop grinning at the look on Kevin Rudd's face. I wonder if that was what he looked like when he got up on Christmas morning and found this massive firetruck toy under the Christmas tree. :P

*sigh* Such innocent times in a pre-political era.

Mishy <3

Friday 11 July 2008

La Rosa de los Vientos [The Wind Rose]

It's not exactly my kind of music, nor can I even understand it [it's in Spanish], but the lyrics are worth posting about. I've never yet found a song that could accurately portray the emotions of a TCK, but this It's blown me away.
I find it ironic how english songs don't portray the essence of a TCK, but a Chilean rapper can. Makiza is a Chilean male. This is, [apparently] one of his bigger hits. I got this from, good site to check out for all TCKs. [Brice, I need a thank you for this, LOL]

You know, come to think about it, I guess it's not such a bad song after all, now that I've listened to it the whole way through. =) The fact that I can't understand it, and it's not something I'd listen to everyday is probably, in itself, the essence of being a TCK. =)

[Spanish Version]
A veces quisiera desaparecer del mapa
Volver donde yo nací, pero no es tan papa
Me achaca, la duda no se saca está pegado como laca
El peso a lapa, makiza es mi capa
A veces quisiera tener alas como pájaro
Volar por el tiempo, donde estuvo Lautaro
Y olvidar, por un tiempo
Que la mitad de mi familia está muy lejos
Hay días en que me quejo
Hay días en que estoy bien piola
Hay días en que me río hasta del Guatón Loyola
¡Ay! Comadre Lola, si usted supiera
lo que es estar dividida, no saber cual es tu tierra
Ana la Chola, en la volá como ratón sin cola
Mí mamá me hablaba a mí del C. H. I.
Por allá bien lejos, donde yo nací
Donde yo crecí
Y no juego a la gringa si eso tu creí
Nunca nieges donde tu provengas
Tengas lo que tengas, venga de donde vengas
Vengas de Dinamarca (o de Chiloé)
El mundo es un gran Arca de Noé
Y si yo he nacido afuera estoy orgullosa
Y si tengo sangre indígena, mejor, porque es hermosa
Soy una trotamundo, sin fijo rumbo me fundo
Al lugar donde yo tumbo ¡Así es mi mundo!
Soy del norte, del sur, del oeste, del este
Una viajera sin paradero, sin nombre, sin carné
Una Ulises sin Tierra Prometida
He creado mi propia Odisea moderna, nene
Sé hacer el camino al andar, caminante
Por eso no tengo bandera representante
Da lo mismo mi nombre, lo importante es lo que siento
Valorar al hombre por la calidad de su trabajo
Y es que el mundo es tan grande y uno tan pequeño
Solo me dirijo por la Rosas de los Vientos.
Somos hijos de La Rosas de los Vientos.
De la rosa de los vientos
Somos hijos de La Rosas de los Vientos.
Somos hijos de La Rosas de los Vientos.

(Je viens d´ autres latitudes)

De niño ha seguido el camino de la calle
Tan difícil que me pare como que me calle
Donde me halle nunca olvido mis raíces
Los países donde he vivido han unido sus matices
Para que me caracterice con mi personalidad
Ser una persona de calidad, la calidez de la verdad
Me ampara, me prepara para levantar mis alas
Me protege como un chaleco anti-balas
Cala mi alma al mundo en que vivo, pido
Un minuto para recopilar lo que he vivido
Las cuidades en que he reseidido
Las personas con las cuales he compartido
He sido yo el que he partido, recorrido
Miles de kilómetros en todos los sentidos
Mido la importancia de mis vivencias
En mi existencia, encuentros, coincidencias
Cuando me preguntan cual sector yo represento
Respondo que en verdad, yo no entiendo
El sentimiento de estar ligado a un barrio
Al contrario hay que salir de él para no ser marginado
Yo soy ciudadano de la planeta Tierra
Ser humano que no cree en las fronteras
Tanto Squat, Cenzi y Anita vivieron fuera
Yo igual hermanos, no es por que yo quiera
Pero mi lugar es tanto aquí como donde sea
Cuatro puntos cardinales, cuatro cabezas
Veras que la nacionalidad no es la gran cosa
Si no más bien gira con los vientos como La Rosa

Somos hijos de La Rosas de los Vientos.
De la rosa de los vientos
Somos hijos de La Rosas de los Vientos.
De la rosa de los vientos
Somos hijos de La Rosas de los Vientos.
Somos hijos de La Rosas de los Vientos.

[English Translation]
Sometimes I would disappear from the map
Back where I was born, but is not as pope

I blamed, no doubt is removed is stuck as lacquer
The weight to lapa, makiza is my coat
Sometimes I would like to have wings like a bird

Flying through time, where he was Lautaro

And forget for a while
That half of my family is far
There are days when I complain
There are days when I am well piola
There are days when I laugh until the guatón Loyola
¡Ay! Ay! Comadre Lola, si usted supiera Comadre Lola, if you knew
what is being divided, not knowing what is your land
Ana the Chola, in the mouse without a tail as volá
My mom I spoke to me of CHI
By far beyond where I was born
Where I grew up
And no game to gringa if I thought that your
Never deny where you come
Have what they need, wherever it comes from
I come from Denmark (or Chiloe)
The world is a big Noah's Ark
And if I am proud born out
And if I have Indian blood, the better, because it is beautiful
I am a globetrotter, with no fixed direction I fundo
At the place where I tumbo This is my world!
I am the north, south, west, east
A traveler without whereabouts, no name, no card
A Ulysses without Promised Land
I created my own Odyssey modern nene
I know the way to make walking, walking
So I have no flag representative
Give me the same thing, the important thing is what we feel
Valuing the man by the quality of his work
That's because the world is so great and one so small
Only I am writing by the wind rose.
We are sons of the wind rose.
From the wind rose
We are sons of the wind rose.
We are sons of the wind rose.

(Je viens d'autres latitudes)

As a child has followed the path of street
As difficult as it seems to me I Street
Where I find never forget my roots
Countries where he lived have joined nuances
For me to characterize my personality
Being a person of quality, the warmth of truth
I protects me prepares to lift my wings
I protected as an anti-bullet vest
Cala my soul to the world in which I live, I ask
One minute to collect what I lived
The cities where he resides
People with whom I shared
I have been me that I party, tour
Thousands of miles in all directions
Mido the importance of my experiences
In my existence, encounters, coincidences
When you ask me which I represent sector
I respond that in truth, I do not understand
The feeling of being linked to a neighborhood
On the contrary we must leave to avoid being marginalized
I am a citizen of planet Earth
Mankind que no cree en las fronteras
Both Squat, Cenzi and Anita lived outside
I like brothers, not that I want
But my place is here and wherever
Four cardinal points, four heads
Veras that nationality is no big deal
If not rather tour with winds as La Rosa

We are sons of the wind rose.
From the wind rose
We are sons of the wind rose.
From the wind rose
We are sons of the wind rose.
We are sons of the wind rose.

Mishy <3

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Oh where art thou...Hillary Clinton?

So it seems that Hillary Clinton has gone and given up on the presedential race and has finally bowed down to Barck Obama in the hopes that he will take her in as a vice-president. [Okay, so this was ages ago, but I've only just thought of it now]
Personally, I'm a little disappointed. I was always on Obama's side [mainly due to the TCK-in-Indonesia connection] but now there are no female candidates.

I reckon she should have tried. She should have continued to try and run for president. Mainly because then it would show the world that females are ready for such a position. Females are ready to take on roles that the world once thought were much too hard and wayy too high for them.
Despite the fact that I didn't think Hillary Clinton would be the best candidate, she was the only female who's gotten this far in attempting to achieve a top position in America, and I have to say I respect her for it.
In giving in to Barack Obama, and hoping that he takes her in as his vice-president, she's sent a message to the world, that females are obviously not ready for such a position. As an American, she's bound to be aired all over the world. Embarrasingly, I know more about American politics than I do about Malaysian, but that's the way of life. What America does is important to the rest of the world, and as a consequence, what happens in America because the role that is set for the other nations. [well, perhaps not Iraq or Iran]
Forget Margaret Thatcher, that was years ago. Admittedly, she was a role model for women all over the world, but that was a generation ago, and England has yet to elect another female Prime Minister. What we need is someone new and fresh who can show this generation- the most accepting and equal generation to date- that women are ready to lead the world.

So now it's down to Barack Obama and John McCain. [whenever I hear his name, I think of microwavable veggies]
It's pretty obvious who will win this election now, I think. But whatever comes out of it, I just hope that a better world [and a better America?] will be one such result.

Come to think of it, this election would have been the world's weirdest one to date. Whoever got elected would have made some serious history in America.
Barack Obama: would have been America's first black/African American president.
Hillary Clinton: would have been America's first female president
John McCain: would have been America's oldest president.

You Amercia really ready for members of such minorities to become their leader?
In a way, I guess it is. And you know what: sometimes the change is good. And I'm looking forward to the changes that will come after this election.

Mishy <3

Leaver's Tops!!


Well, okay, they arrived last week on a Monday, but I am only bothered to post anything about it now. :P

They look alright, considering they're uber expensive. AUD$93 isn't exactly the cheapest price you can offer when the stupid jumper was 9 weeks late!
Of course, they gave a scarf as part of an apology for their lateness, but I'd very much rather have the discount, truth be told, than have the scarf. Admittedly, it's actually really nice. =)

They screwed my name up slightly, I didn't intend to have those apostrophes there at all. I wanted it too look like this:


But, of course, they messed it up. And I got so tired of waiting for my top that I just took it. Winter's almost over, and I'd very much rather just have my top already than have to wait.
Yet again, grrrr.

Mishy <3>

Friday 4 July 2008


It's an interesting debate, and I could easily wage a debate with myself for an hour if not more over this topic.

Globalisation is the process of integration of a world community into a common system, either economically or socially.

Today's world is becoming more and more globalised. It's no joke. Everyone is becoming the same. I've made this point over and over again on TCKid that pretty soon, we'll all be TCKs and either we'll all have the same problems of integration and belonging, or it will no longer be a problem, but more a lifestyle necessity.

And globalisation is the one thing the entire world appears to have been striving for. Racial cohesion, gender equality, acceptance of different sexualities and religions- which is all good and well really. In addition to this, through travelling and acceptance of all that is different, it would be a much more peaceful society. Economies will no longer be so rocky. We'll all have the same currency, and we'll never have to worry about exchange rates, rising inflation and absolute depression. [and in my case with the exchange rates, this WOULD be heaven]
This is what we've been fighting for. No more wars; but more peace, love and acceptance. We are all the same. We are all human. We have two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth. We breathe the same oxygen, live on the same land, drink the same water. My world is your world, and we'll live in it.
Reminiscent of the hippie movement? I suppose it is somewhat.

On the other hand- what would happen to the differences in culture? What would happen to the Chinese, and the Americans? Can anyone imagine those two cultures being the same?
Scarily enough, I actually can.
Once that boundary has been crossed, there's pretty much no going back, save another Chinese Revolution or American Revolution turning things back around. Everything would be the same.
And what about values? Values of family? Values of culture? Values of sexuality? This is what makes the world so different, and each culture so unique. Do we want to lose our culture?
Allow me to break off here to ask a question: Do I want to become one of the world's clones?
Globalisation, at the moment, tends to see social cohesion as 'Americanisation', where everyone follows American culture, when really it should probably be promoting co-existance within cultures. Do we all want to be like Americans? Eating burgers, and runing around with guns? Although I have nothing against Americans, I would prefer to preserve my culture the way it is: unique and separate from the rest of the world.
What will happen when everything is too...similar? When the world begins to follow in each other in the same path, we'll all become citizens of the world.

As I said, it's an interesting topic with one hell of a load of discussion involved. But your thoughts and opinions are welcome, as the world continues to wage it's war for and against Globalisation.

Mishy <3