Saturday, 12 April 2008

True Equality?

They're asking for true equality. Perhaps they really do need it?
I don't know if the mis-spelled signs were done on purpose, but at this rate, it really does look like things are not all as sunshiny and happy as we seem to think it is.

But then again is true equality ever a real?
Will I ever be treated as an equal with the white person?
Will the black people ever be rid of the classification 'nigger'?
Will women ever reach the top of the ladder without having to claw or sleep her way up?
Will we ever be able to be who we are, based purely on our abilities alone?
In fact, will we ever really lose these stereotypes that time has handed to us over the years?

I don't think so.

Many do. Many believe we've truly attained equality. But in the back of your mind...who do you think is superior?
Is it the black congressman? Or the white congressman?
Is it female manager? Or is it the male?
Is the President of China more important? Or is it the President of America?
The upcoming US elections are the perfect example. Who's more superior, the white woman? Or the black man? Both equally stereotyped against. Who will win this election?

I ask again, who do you think is superior?

True equality is a figment of the imagination. It's an idea. A thesis written by the philosophers of time- seeking the change that they imagined could come true.
True equality is inhibited by the fears of the writers of history. Men to inhibit women. Religion to inhibit religion. The winners write all- there is no exception.

It's the utopic fairytale that we all dream about.

But that's all it is. A fairytale.

Mishy <3

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