Friday, 1 August 2008

A Day In Parliament

MOCK Parliament. :P

Like I said in my last post, I had a role-playing Parliamentary debate at Curtin University today.
Initially, I was nervous. Without a doubt. When I got up, I was shaking quite badly.But surprisingly, I didn't falter once. And this is me, the person who could never open her mouth in front of others, and the person who would never try to be loud. Yes, I AM loud, but only around a few people.
During question time, I think everyone started warming up. Most of all me, I guess. I made every argument I could think off, literally scolded people for coming up with funny ideas and ways of answering the question... I have no idea, I didn't realise I could actually debate. XD

It was somewhat ironic however, this debate.
Australia used to have a White Australia Policy where only immigrants [particularly of the British and Irish racial stock] would be accepted into the country, and other races were not accepted.
And somehow or other, my entire debating team ended up being...well, you may have guessed it. Chinese. All three of us were Chinese in some way, shape and form. Whether we were born in Australia, or were slightly mixed made no difference. Racially, we were all still Chinese. And female. All of us were female. And all of us hadn't reached the age of 40 yet. [obviously] When in truth, we should really have been old white men.
And we were forced to act as old white men, saying that we didn't want, and I quote from what my first speaker said: 'yellow, black, blue, green, red, purple people in our country!'
The administrator was laughing when she monitered our debate, I swear to it.

But I suppose it was worth it in the end. I got full marks for the speaking part of my oral mark. =)

I think Curtin University is more interesting for history excursions than it is for english ones.

We went into the Prime Ministerial Library to read up on Prime Ministers. And we were MEANT to go into the archives, but unfortunately, we didn't actually get a chance to as we ran out of time. I would've loved to go into the archives. Just to see what it looks like, and how things are preserved and such.

On a different topic, I am sort of starting a countdown to the Mock exams in September/October. It's gonna be the last one before exams, and the last one before the TEE when everything is FINALLY over. And...I've only got 8 weeks left!!!

It's too early as of yet to actually think about putting a count down timer on my blog, so I'll just counting down the weeks until it finally does get close enough.

Mishy <3

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