Saturday, 13 September 2008

Two More Weeks...

Two more weeks.
Exams will be here soon. Not exactly the finals, but mocks are just about as scary as the real thing.
What MY question is, is... How did it get here so fast??

Massive shock and wake-up call. I have two weeks till exams. TWO WEEKS!
No one told me about this. Sheesh, where'd time go?
You know what's scary...I don't think I even know half the stuff I learnt last semester. And I'm freaking out already.

Having to work on homework AND revision isn't isn't easy, and I'm beginning to hate school for it. The pressure on us now is absolutely mental! I wish they'd learn to make things more even.
So bring on the late nights, and endless days. I think I'm headed back to my old dog days routine.

On a more cheerful note, I saw the Matric Dance photos of the Saints girls, and they all look stunning. =) I'm only upset that I'm not standing there with all of them in the photos, when I should've been.

Mishy <3

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