Saturday, 25 October 2008

The Last Day of High School and a Final Tribute to Literature

Well, it's over and done with. Our last day.

I can't say I cried. I never really do anymore. I can't say it was the best thing ever at the end either. I'm not even sure how I feel about it anymore.

Maybe I really am turning into some kind of robot. =/

But graduation's on Monday. I can't wait for that now. :P It feels like the Year 12 Ball again, I can't really bring myself to study. I'm wondering whether I'll actually do well or not now. It's insane what's going through my head at this moment, panicking, yet jumping up and down estatically.

But of course, no one will ever know how I'm feeling. To be honest, I can't describe it either. I can smile, look pretty [or well, play the part, LOL], say that I really am at my wit's end over school finally coming to an end. Truth is, school ends on a continuous basis for me. This is only the final ending. But it doesn't feel any different.

But you know what, I'm going to miss Literature class. And maths to an extent, I guess, mainly because I had to do work in it. XD Despite Mirichlis's jokes and interestingly menacing sense of humour. History was a good class, but only because I was genuinely interested in the subject. If I hated history, it would've probably been a seriously slow class. P&L was a weird class, and Human Bio was pretty slow. Chemistry...let's not even go there. Here's Mirichlis...attempting to move away from JB, but not quite succeeding. :D

I'll miss McInerny's class the most without a doubt. I can't believe I won't be seeing him anymore, and I almost regret not having him earlier. I mean, how many teachers can you honestly say swear without a care in the world, order beer during school field trips and allow you to slack off during class and do other bits of work so long as it's got nothing to do with numbers? All that while maintining the school grades? "Friggin miracle!" as he would say. XD How many tables can you say look like his?

I also went and had a final crack at the school. Although sadly, the teachers that I had hoped would notice it, didn't at all. Never mind, I'll try again on Monday and see if anyone notices. I just hope that Mrs. Fortune doesn't see that, I might be expelled before I can even graduate from school. XD Graduation Day soon. I'm gonna make the most of it.

Mishy <3

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