Sunday, 1 March 2009




Doesn't exactly take Einstein to see I'm utterly, mentally and definitely excited and estatic all at the same time.
I reckon I may have just said the same thing in about two or three different ways, but who cares.
I'm happy!

My Zimbo friend has finally been given a student visa to come here. And after so many trials, so much tribulation, and definitely more trouble than it's worth, she's FINALLY reached the shores of WA.
Dancing, singing and general festivity, here I come!
I've been praying for this for a long time now, and so for that, I give all praise to God for helping her and for giving a friend back to me. Amen.

I've actually just realised that I know a lot of people at my university. People I met back when I was born. People I met in Malaysia. People I met in South Africa. Even people I met in Australia. And suddenly, they're all being forced into one concentrated space that is university. And it's scary.
I am aware, however subtly, that some part of me changes everytime I move to a different place. I am strongly influenced by the country, it's history and it's culture.
I feel a need to go back to the way things were with people, which is fine if they all stay in their separate places. But when they come together in one space...suddenly I feel a little more than a fake. Because I've changed.
And something about them has not.
I don't know how to act, how to feel...I don't even know what accent to use! And it's weird. People want to know where my loyalties lie, which country I now belong to. How does 'new me', react to what should have been the past? Deciding whether or not I am even the same person my friends once knew so long ago is difficult enough.

Like all my worlds are colliding into one big heap that is my life.
Mishy <3

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