Sunday 30 March 2008

Azn Pride?

Walking around the hallways of Morley Senior High School, or indeed, any school in a first world country, one tends be be ambushed by hoards of Chinese[race and nationality]/Vietnamese/Japanese/Koreans hanging around with each other.
It's noticable, it's big, it's in your face, and it's come to be classed as 'azn pride'. And no doubt, it is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Getting on the wrong side of one member of this group, means that you're potentially in trouble with the rest.

Azn pride is apparently now so exclusive, that you must have yellow skin [a la Simpsons], and have two asian parents to be classified as ASIAN. Watching any and all 'asian' movies is a must and 'asian' music must be at the top of your ipod list- Anime and Manga are king. Everything else is simply a sub-standard, and may be made fun of.

This kills me.

When has Asia only been about China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam?
What happened to the rest of Asia?
What happened to Turkey?
Or the UAE?
Or India?
Or Mongolia?
Since when has Asia been that blob on the map that we now know today as China? The last time I checked, Asia was the biggest continent on the planet, consisting of countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, China, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Afghanistan, the UAE, India and several others. Surely now, azn pride cannot simply be restricted to that big blob called China.

And since when has azn pride been about exclusively watching, listening, eating and breathing everything from China/Vietnam/Japan/Korea, but crticising the rest?
A girl in my Human Biology class has been making fun of Africans non-stop for about a week, maybe more now. I would love to shut her up. What gives her the right to make fun of Africans? What gives her the right to think that Africans are sub-standard? To the best of my knowledge, Africans are a potential force to be reckoned with. They've been colonised, forced to abandon their culture, and are now facing all sorts of economic, religious and cultural hardship and many countries receive no help simply because they have no resources. But they're catching up, and they're doing it fast- Before we know it, Africa will definitely be a force to be reckoned with.

My version azn pride means accepting cultures from all over the world, and being a part of the world, whilst maintaining by pride as a person living in Asia. It means showing my culture to others, and allowing them to experience the ways of just ONE of the many cultures that Asia has to offer. Asia is so diverse, so amazing, that it seems a sin to just hoodwink the whole world into believing that Asia is China and nothing more.

I'm, perhaps one of the very few who aren't part of these big asian gangs. I remain on good terms with a few of them, but remain at the sidelines, and away from their azn pride. And maybe it's for the best. So God save me, I would rather be seen as an outsider to the 'Azn people', than close my views on azn pride.

Mishy <3

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