Tuesday 4 March 2008


It's big.
It's huge.
It really hurts.
And it's on my eyelid.
It's also inflamming my entire eyelid so now I look a tad disfigured in one eye.
Think Quasimodo in the 'Hunchback of Notredame'. It looks a bit like that, but not with so many wrinkles. XD Plus I don't hunch.

Worse of the worst, this inflammation happens to be on my left eye, the one that gets exposed to the world, while my good eye remains hidden by my fringe.
Oh woo-freakity-hoo.

Argh!! This is not good! Especially since Year 12 Photo Day is up next week Tuesday!!!

I think it got bitten by something. =(
Man I hope this goes down real soon.

I get to have a 'Fun Photo' for Year 12 Photo Day, so I'm really happy. =) I'll probably go as a 'Spanish Devil' and buy the horns and everything. I'm pairing up with a friend who's going as my 'Hawaiian Angel'. =) It's goone look so good!

Mishy <3

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