Sunday 9 March 2008

The Malaysian Revolution

Inspired by the Russian Revolution in my history course of study. XD
Of course, it's a far cry from the Winter of Discontent [in Malaysia, this means it's the end of the world as we know it]; the March, November and October Revolutions; or even an April Thesis [a la Lenin's essay for which he had a lot of time on his hands].

The biggest news in Malaysia at the moment: Barisan Nasional has just lost the control of five, yes, FIVE states today. These states include Selangor, Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Perak. They managed, however to hold on to seven states. A far cry from the twelve states that they once managed to get hold of every five years.
Although this does say something for Malaysia. If this continues the way it does, we could easily have a new government in place during the next election. The first change since we became an independant nation.

I'll be allowed to vote in the next election, which is scary enough, but thinking about actually being part of the voters who change the, that's something else to think about!

Mishy <3

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