Thursday 20 March 2008

Easter [Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday!]

Easter Holidays is finally here!!

I have Good Friday off.

I have Easter Monday off.

And I even have...*le gasp* Easter Tuesday off!

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it strange that I can actually have Easter Tuesday off. =/
But I'm not complaining, I'm having fun with this long holiday. =)

It's also really weird how Easter jumped the gun and came like an entire month earlier than it usually is. =/ Apparently, it's got something to do with the full moon coming a tad too early, and then Lent is supposed to follow a week after the appearance of that moon and Easter a full 40 days after Lent, hence making the entire season jump the gun.
Apparently all the catholic schools aren't going to celebrate this Easter, because it's no the 'real easter'. And in a sense, I agree with them, it's so out of the ordinary.

So till the Easter that you choose to celebrate, Happy Easter, and stay safe. =)

Mishy <3

"For God so love the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believed in him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
John 3:16

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